Saturday, April 02, 2005


bells for my big bro rang on the 31st at Marriot Hotel, and everything went quite smoothly.

The day started off with some slight deviation from the timetable, but this was to the betterment of the situation, as this meant less time for the girls to toy with us at the bridal's door (asking for door money + making us do ludicrous/insane/tortuous stuff).

Wasabi kaya bread. Biting "I love Baoli" out of 7 apples. Eating raw egg (it would have been eggS, if not for the lack of time. =p). There are indeed some thought put into making things difficult for us....

I figure out the next time we need an easier entrance to the bride's house, we'd do better with
a) Huge locker cutter (just in case we get impatient)
b) A glutton who has no problem with eating anything organic.
c) A super fit gym instructor/PTI for any physical/gymnastic feats.
d) A spy who doesn't know the meaning of defection (definitely not my sis).
e) Some rather glib talkers to sweep 'em girls off their feet.
d) A lawyer to sue the girls for breach of contract (if they ask for a bigger ang pow after getting the first one).

I must say Evangel played a great part in organising the wedding dinner event, settling everything from the reception to MC to songs++. Never mind that no alcohol was to be served during the event (save $$!).

My main worry throughout Time for having severely lacking knowledge on who's who in the relatives list proved itself that night. The rather cushy job of usher proved to be somewhat awkard, with familiar faces of relatives coming up to me, speaking in cantonese 'Ah Hong ah!', and me having completely no inkling which part of the family tree they hang from. All I know is that they DO hang along some branch, nook or corner of that all-so-unfamiliar darwinian tree. I hope that none of them see through my poorly disguised happySmile to realise how baffled I was at that point of time. And those kids that oh-so-grow. I am an uncle to whom? Who's that? Who gave birth to what? This is really confusing. I derived greatest joy in excusing myself from them to dwell in cliche conversations with friends I know, and acting busy by walking to and fro like some patrolling security figure.

I must really make some effort to know who's who, or risk having nightmares for the next CNY/wedding-in-the-family (2 more!) Or I can find some way (job posting, holiday) to get myself away during those festive period of time.

Night time was spent dethorning roses and making bouquets, with roses salvaged from decorations during the dinner.

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