Thursday, September 15, 2005

知己 - 李克勤

This is a song in my chinese top 10 list.

It conjures up the imagery of a wisened elderly chinese man, with one hand gracefully concealed behind his qipao's coat tail, and the other slowly wielding a paper fan, looking afar to affirm his knowledge on the transitive nature of life...

笑一声 沧海茫茫也有枯栖,
叹一句 人生岂能竟如人意?
缘起缘灭本来如戏 世事无常犹如棋局

深爱过 又何必问结局?
千古风流人物何处寻 如今是我是你

若能程风飞去 愿别红尘而去,
起伏和机遇 已如潮去

若青春成追忆 若红颜已老去
相守在身旁的人 但愿是你
看春花秋月 夏日冬雨
谈风花雪月 有我有你

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